Every year, leaders in packaging submit their work to be recognized at the PAC Global Leadership Awards Competition. You can submit as many works as you'd like, for a fee, and entries are judged by international brand design and packaging experts from around the globe. Who is PAC? Well, aside from the host of the competition, PAC Packaging Consortium is a non profit packaging association with over 2,400 members. They have operated as an interconnected voice throughout the packaging community for over 70 years, and this year, that voice spoke of Klockner Pentaplast's Elite Tray!

On February 18, 2020, the PAC Global Leadership Awards Competition welcomed all of this year's winners to New York City to be publicly announced. Of these winners, Diamond Marketing Group's partner Klockner Pentaplast was in attendance for their innovative Elite Tray. After being judged against competing packaging innovations around the world, The Elite Tray was awarded BEST IN CLASS for the category of Package Innovation, Sustainable Design!
As a partnered distributor with Klockner Pentaplast, we at DMG are proud to see their innovative packaging efforts awarded with such a great honor! Be sure to keep an eye out for the Best In Class "Elite Tray" at a store near you, and be a part of the change!
#PAC #GlobalLeadershipAwardsCompetition #FoodPackagingInnovation #TheEliteTray #BestInClass2020 #RecyclableFoodPackaging #EcoFriendlyPackaging #FoodPackagingAwards #SustainableDesign #PACGlobalLeadershipAwardsCompetition #WaterBottle #FoodPackaging #Recycling #RecycledWaterBottles #BetterForTheEnvironment #ChangeTheWorld